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The TCT Asia Awards are meticulously determined through a comprehensive assessment by an esteemed expert jury, leading industry media, and public voting. Securing this award is an eminently prestigious honor. It significantly augments brand exposure and visibility, fortifies the credibility of company products, expands the pool of potential customers, uncovers and explores cooperation opportunities, and emerges as a new paradigm in the additive manufacturing industry. Moreover, it enables enterprises to be crowned with the title of "Award Winning winner", thereby heightening customer trust and elevating the company's image.

Configurations of TCT Asia Awards 2025
Best Application Award 
  • Medical & Health Care Applications
  • Mould and Die Applications
  • Consumer Goods Applications
  • Aerospace & Defense Applications
  • Industrial Product Applications
Pioneer / Rising Star
  • Pioneer
  • Rising Star
Outstanding Contribution Award
  • Outstanding Contribution Award
TCT Asia Awards 2024 Winners
Best Product Award
  • Metal Systems


    20-laser solution BLT-S800

    Xi'an Bright Laser Technologies Co., Ltd

    BLT launched the new 20-laser solution BLT-S800 at TCT Asia 2023. The new 20-laser BLT-S800 solution adopts two-way variable recoating, which improves enhancing the recoating efficiency by approximately 30%, 20-laser consistency and splicing accuracy in the overlap region is remarkable, and 20-laser BLT-S800 optimizes and innovates the wind field to ensure good blowing effect and meet the high efficiency of 20-laser synchronous light output. Equipped with an automated powder circulation system, the 20-laser BLT-S800 facilitates the automatic recycling, screening and supply of powder during the printing process, and enhance automation levels. This technology effectively boosts the forming efficiency of integrated forming of large-size parts and full substrate forming of small and medium-sized parts while ensuring the forming quality, and help customers achieve rapid development and manufacturing.

  • Polymer Systems


    Farsoon's UT252P

    Farsoon Technologies

    Product Introduction: Farsoon’s UT252P offers stable printing of PAEK family materials, achievingmultiple machines installation at the customers side. In Sep. 2023, Farsoon released the Ultra Temperature Plastic LPBF System UT252P, which successfully achieved stable and efficient processing of PAEK family materials as well as many other high-temperature materials. The release of UT252P solution marks Farsoon’s plastic LPBF solution fully covers high-performance engineering materials with melting point of 190°C-350°C, which meet the needs of various industries for ultrahigh temperature material processing. Customer Case Study: Tang Haibin's research team from the School of Intelligent Manufacturing of Nanjing University of Science and Technology has developed the project on the development process of SLS carbon fiber reinforced PEEK (CF/PEEK) composite, which is developed and tested on Farsoon's truly open, ultra-high temperature system UT252P, and has achieved important research results.

  • Desktop Systems


    Bambu Lab A1 mini

    Bambu Lab

    Full Auto Flow Calibration& Active Flow Rate Compensation The eddy current sensor in the toolhead monitorsnozzle pressure to automatically calculate the flowcalibration

    parameter. The Active Flow Rate Compensa-tion algorithm can then utilize this updated parameterto accurately compensate the flow, ensuringsmoothextrusion at every corner.

    Comprehensive FilamentMonitoring

    Fully loaded with filament tangle and runout sensors, anozzle pressure sensor, and two filament odometers,A1 mini can combine the information from all thesesensors to monitor filament tangle, filament runoutand air printing problems.

    Active Motor Noise Canceling

    Silent mode and Active Motor Noise Canceling canquiet the printer down to under 48dB. Take a napwhile the printer works hard.

  • Metallic Materials

    获奖作品:艾乐普® “牙科用激光选区熔化钴铬合金粉”


    艾乐普® “牙科用激光选区熔化钴铬合金粉”,拥有国家CFDA三类和美国FDA医疗器械注册证,产品自2019年上市以来,以独特的成分设计和快速热处理工艺受到业内青睐,市场占有率国内领先。2023年出货100多吨,继续成为市场最受欢迎的产品之一,







  • Non-metallic Materials


    Ultrafuse® PLA HS

    BASF (China) Company Ltd.

    Ultrafuse® PLA HS is a filament specifically designed for high-speed 3D printing. Thanks to the material knowhow of BASF, the high-quality raw materials and excellent processes, this material is suitable for high-speed 3D printing. Using this filament for 3D printing can achieve a maximum printing speed of 600mm/s, while maintaining consistent and stable printing on most high-speed printers. The material’s flexural modulus, flexural strength, elongation at break and other properties are superior to other high-speed PLA printing materials. Its Z-direction interlayer adhesion is more outstanding and better than PLA CF carbon fiber materials in the market, achieving a comprehensive improvement in printing stability, material

    properties and surface quality.

  • Software


    Simufact Additive

    Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

    Product Introduction: Simufact Additive is the first professional process simulation software designed for the additive manufacturing industry. It is specifically software for simulating

    and analyzing Metal powder bed fusion and Metal binder Jetting additive manufacturing processes. By simulating the printing process, fixation unclamping, cutting, heat treatment, Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), and support removal processes, it can predict manufacturing defects such as printing deformation, printing cracking, layer offset intensity, and recoater contact. It can also predict practical process problems such as keyhole, unmelt, balling, and surface roughness. The software has a deformation compensation function with automatic iterative optimization, which helps users automatically optimize printing deformation, assists customers in cost evaluation of different printing schemes, reduces trial and error times, and saves costs.

    Mainstream equipment manufacturers such as Eplus3D, BLT, LiM laser, EOS, SLM, Renishaw, etc. are customers of Simufact Additive, And aerospace companies such as Fusia, Williams, BAE, EDAG are also customers of Simufact Additive. They use software to help customers solve printing issues such as deformation, recoater contact and layer offset, achieving a successful printing in one-time.

  • Scanner


    FreeScan Trak Pro2 Tracking Laser Scanning System

    Shining 3D Tech Co., Ltd.

    FreeScan Trak Pro2 tracking laser scanning system, no need to post marking points, the system can real-time tracking and positioning of the scanning head, independent of the relative

    position movement / vibration. The precision of the device is 0.023mm and the repeatability accuracy is stable, the results are accurate and reliable, to meet the needs of industrial

    measurement. And the equipment in the scanning efficiency has been greatly improved, a total of 58 blue laser lines, scanning speed of up to 3.68 million times / sec, can quickly and easily obtain the complete and accurate three-dimensional data of large and medium-sized samples. 7 parallel blue laser lines fine scanning, help to easily obtain the complete details of

    the workpiece data. During the scanning process, the data is presented in a real-time mesh, saving the time of point cloud encapsulation and quickly exporting stl data. Suitable for aerospace, automotive industry, rail transportation, energy field and other manufacturing industries of medium and large 3D scanning static/dynamic scenes.

Best Application Award
  • Medical & Health Care Applications


    Digital Anatomy 3D Printing Solution


    In September 2022, West China Hospital held its first in vitro surgery simulation training for congenital heart disease in children. A group of 8 surgeons recruited by Professor Luo completed about 50 simulated surgeries using 3D printed heart models under the supervision of senior doctors. After four weeks of training, the technical andoperational skills of the trainees are significantly improved. The successful experience of simulated surgery training supported byStratasys 3D printing technology and services received broadrecognition and appreciation as Professor Luo shared it with his international peers at the North American Congenital Heart Disease Conference. Empowered by the human tissue biomechanical simulation function of Stratasys J850 Digital Anatomy 3D printingsolution, doctors could improve their surgical skills by practicing with models of accurate pathological features.

  • Consumer Goods Applications


    3D Printed Titanium Golf

    Farsoon Technologies

    The Leading Japanese lifestyle golf brand “Designer” has hosted a global launch ceremony of the all-new 3D printed titanium golf club head boosting ultimate performance in the game. With more than 1,600 days of R&D exploration, more than 1,000 tests, and 19 performance optimizations, the “Designer” brand adopts Farsoon metal 3D printing solution, allowing the possibility to innovate, design and produce top-of-the-line club heads for players seeking ultimate performance in distance, accuracy, stability with greater forgiveness.

  • Mould and Die Applications



    Xi'an Bright Laser Technologies Co.,Ltd.

    BLT can realize the printing of important parts such as die-casting molds, conformal water channels mold cavities, etc., and solve the forming and adhesion problems in deep cavity areas. BLT Automatic Grafting Module can realize the automatic grafting of parts and machining bases, helping customers save processing costs, shorten the production cycle, and improve comprehensive production benefits. With BLT-A320 and BLT-S400 machine and technical support, Suzhou Yunjing Metal Technology Co., Ltd. has manufactured the largest hot work tool steel conformal temperature control mold core inserts in the die-casting industry, which has passed the mass production verification of the integrated die-casting production line of new energy vehicles, and has completed the batch supply of multiple batches.

  • Aerospace & Defense Applications


    Product of Double-Dwing Main Load-Bearing Cone and Pump Support Assembly for Hundred-ton-class Liquid Oxygen- Methane Engine


    在天鹊改进型液氧甲烷发动机设计过程中,要求在极其有限的空间内设计一款刚度大、强度高并且能耐受大载荷和低温环境的主推力传递及泵前支持的双向摇摆组件。此外该组件产品结构还需有较高的定位精度,作为管路组件的装配基准。前期加工方式为传统机加工方案,生产过程中出现了备料周期长、成本高等问题,在地面摇摆试验过程中还出现了传力结构刚度不均匀导致转动副磨损加剧的问题。针对该难题,设计了多种结构方案,包括拱形机构、桁架支撑结构、三角支撑架、双层固定板等等。但这些方案均存在重量大、生产工艺复杂等问题,且难以完全满足发动机的使用要求。为此,蓝箭航天创新性的采用了局部最优与整体最优的拓扑优化、多物理场优化、SLM 增材打印的设计方案,获取了组件的最优传力路径与主结构形式,在狭小空间内实现了管路系统的可靠支撑。通过联合寻优确定了工艺分离面后,该组件主要由两个集成式的零件构成,两个零件都由SLM 设备打印制造。


    零件2:泵前支撑该结构最大刚度达10^8N/m,重量仅6kg,较传统设计方案减重达80%。采用3D 打印工艺后,生产环节大大减少,有效缩短了生产周期;同时该结构装配配序少、定位精度高,提升了火箭发动机的生产效率。该组件结构已随型号液体火箭发动机进行了10000 秒以上的地面试车试验,验证了传力结构的有效性和可靠性,并已经交付飞行。成为国内少有增材优化设计的在百吨级航天发动机主传力路径上的承力件的实际批产应用,大大的促进了复杂约束下拓扑优化、多物理场优化、SLM 增材打印技术在火箭上的应用,为火箭的减重、降本提供了强有力的手段。

  • Industrial Product Applications


    Polymaker PolyCore ™ Printed Construction Molds


    In some application scenarios, 3D printed construction molds have significant advantages in design freedom and production efficiency. This time, Polymaker used its PolyCore ™ series products as the printing material and, utilizing large-scale 3D printing equipment, successfully printed large-size, high-precision irregular construction molds. These molds were then used to cast and create the brand wall for Suzhou Jufu Technology Co., Ltd. (5m long * 0.4m wide * 2m total height).

Pioneer/Rising Star
  • Pioneer


    Optimized Design and Rapid Fabrication of Metal Additive Mirror in Single-Point Diamond Turning Process

    Qianglong Wang/Zhiyu Zhang/Chong Wang/Zhenyu Zhang

    This study presents an optimized design algorithm tailored for the fabrication of multi-load mirror bodies, specifically 200mm aperture center-supported mirrors, within the constraints of single-point diamond turning optical machining. Following a single machining operation, the resultant optical surface exhibits an RMS of 0.152λ, rendering it directly compatible

    with mid-to-long-wave infrared reflection systems

  • Rising Star


    【I made a 3D Printing prosthetic leg for my channel follower】

    Owen 来造

    This project used 3D scanners, VR equipment and 3D printing technology to help a foot amputee redesign and build a 3D printed prosthesis, making the new prosthesis a better match for the patient's affected limb, more comfortable, more convenient and lighter. This was a combination of 3D scanning, VR modelling.

10 Years Media Partner
  • BLT
  •  Farsoon Technologies
    Farsoon Technologies
  • Zrapid
  • UnionTech
  • Polymaker
  • Raise3D
  • ESUN
  • EOS
  • Shining 3D
    Shining 3D
  • Materialise
  • Arkema