Additive manufacturing technology and craniomaxillofacial surgery
1. Additive manufacturing technology is becoming more and more mature, and can meet the basic needs of surgical clinical.
2. Additive manufacturing technology cloud be used to assiste surgical design and simulate surgery
3. Additive manufacturing technology simplifies reconstructive surgery for craniomaxillofacial defect
4. Additive manufacturing technology can construct structurally complex restorations, and complete the repair of complex anatomical structure defects【Bio】
Hu Min, Chief physician, department of stomatology , Chinese PLA General Hospital; Professor, PLA Medical College; Consultant, committee of Temporomandibular Joint Disease and , Chinese Academy of Stomatology; Consultant, trauma and Orthognathic Committee, Chinese Academy of Stomatology; Director of Beijing Medical Association; Executive Director of Stomatology Branch of Beijing Physicians Association; Vice Chairman of plastic and aesthetic expert committee of Beijing Medical Association; Executive Director of Beijing stomatological society; Consultant, committee of Temporomandibular Joint Disease and joint medicine, Beijing Academy of Stomatology; Honorary Members, Chinese society of biomaterials plastic and craniofacial surgery biomaterials application committee; Executive Director of China Geriatric Medical Research Association; Vice Director of Chinese Society of geriatric stomatology.