
Lin Li
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS
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3D Printing of Multiple Material and Graded Material Components Via Laser Powder Bed Fusion


Additive manufacturing or 3D Printing of materials or components has so far been widely applied for single material components whist future applicants also require the capability for multiple material printing. This requirement faces new challenges both technically and scientifically. The presentation reports the author’s research team’s recent progress in attempting printing multiple metal-metal, metal-polymer, metal-glass, metal-ceramic, ceramic—polymer components via a purpose-built multiple material laser powder bed fusion system. The printing system hardware and software configurations, effects of printing parameters on component properties, theoretical analysis of melt pool dynamics and potential application examples are given. Future scientific challenges are discussed.


Lin Li, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of   Engineering, the International Academy for Production Engineering, the Laser   Institute of America, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology,  is also a Lifetime Honorary Professor at   the University of Manchester. He has been engaged in research on efficient   laser processing of hard-to-machine materials for over 30 years. Throughout   his career, he has led more than 60 national and collaborative research   projects. Many of the innovative laser processing technologies and   super-resolution optical imaging techniques he developed have been applied in   the manufacturing of aircraft engine components, locomotive bodies,   automobile engines, and semiconductor chips.

He has received numerous prestigious awards,   including the Sir Frank Whittle Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering,   the Wolfson Research Merit Award from the Royal Society, the Donald Julius   Groen Prize from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Arthur Schawlow   Award from the Laser Institute of America, and the Lifetime Achievement Award   from the Association of Industrial Laser Users. He has also served as   President of the Laser Institute of America, the International Academy for   Photonics and Laser Engineering, and the British Industrial Laser   Association.